Target not created using Keil uVision


I have Wizwiki7500 board and using Keil to make a code. My OS is windows 7 64 bit. Before i can compile the example project from github and put the BIN files to the chip, but today i can’t compile it (same project or other project is same condition). Here the message what shown:
“*** Using Compiler ‘V5.06 update 4 (build 422)’, folder: ‘C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin’
Build target ‘Target 1’
FCARM - Output Name not specified, please check ‘Options for Target - Utilities’
Target not created.
Build Time Elapsed: 00:00:00”
i has check the Utilities tab at Option for Target and i think no config is change. I try to compare the step by step at but no information about this page. I hope i can send the picture but no attached feature i think in here. Let me inform the config what i see:

  • At Configure Flash Menu Command group: radio button is select to Use Target Driver for Flash Programming and check box at Use Debug Driver is tick. Other is blank at this group.
  • At Configure Image File Processing (FCARM): Output File is blank (i don’t have idea what i must fill it, because no info at step by step and i has success to compile yesterday). Drop down box of Add Output File to Group is selected to MDK-ARM (other option is: W7500x_periph, CMSIS, User, ioLibrary, Application). Image Files Root Folder text box is blank too, And Generate Listing is UNCHECK.
    Could somebody assist me? what i must do?

thanks in advance


i try to find more information about FCARM and i found this link: and i remember i add favicon.ico file to the project files. Sorry its my false :stuck_out_tongue: . When favicon i deleted i can compile again. Its SOLVE my problem, but i still want to know how to add the favicon. The picture already places at img folder (the same places with webpage.h here the link of example files at github: and i has add using html code at webpage.h but still not shown.

#define index_page	"<html>"\
					"<link rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon' href='img/favicon.ico' />"\

If somebody have experience to add the favicon, could you inform here?

It is an old post, but I had the same problem and couldn’t find solution so I thought I post it here.
After adding more files to my project - it just stopped compiling with the above message. Here is my fix: when you right-click on the added file and select Options for File, check the file type: it should be C source for C-files. It was “Image file” instead in my case, after changing it to C Source it compiles again.

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Tanks, thanks, it works