W5100S-EVB-Pico HTTP Client example in C++

Where can I find an example for using W5100S-EVB-Pico as a HTTP client in C++?
On the github I have only found example for the HTTP server.
Thanks in advance.

Hello @David10,

The C/C++ example of W5100S-EVB-Pico does not support HTTP Client, so it have to be implemented.

I don’t know if it will be helpful, but there is the HTTP client example implemented on other platform, so it would be good to refer to it.

Dear @austin ,
Thank you for the response.
The wiznet developers can implement this function in the foreseeable future (max. 2 weeks)?
I have choosed the wiznet and RP2040 platform to make the developmemt time shorten and simpler, i not have the required knowledge to implement functions like this http client.