W5500 and HTTPS Server

we use wizznet w5500 along with STM32F401RETx in one of our products.
This microcontroller doesn’t have Ethernet MAC peripheral.
We want to implement HTTPS Server on this setup.
I have done a research which took me few days, but still I’m bit confused about the way I should go to achive my goal (lwIP + mbedtls or maybe freeRTOS + mbedtls, or maybe just mbedtls with port bind to w5500)

I have this sample from Wizznet:

and this from mbedtls:

but it is not well commented for me.

Can I make a TLS/SSL HTTPS server using w5500 and STM32F401RETx? What is the best way to start implementing it?

I’ve successfully run w5x00-tls example (from my previous post) and also the http server example (GitHub - WIZnet-ioLibrary/W5x00-HTTPServer: The Multicast Example for W5X00 using ioLibrary)
So now I have to combine them together somehow, can somebody give me an advise how to do this?