Bug in dns.c?

My compiler reports

The code it refers to:

 *              PARSE THE DNS REPLY
 * Description : This function parses the reply message from DNS server.
 * Arguments   : dhdr - is a pointer to the header for DNS message
 *               buf  - is a pointer to the reply message.
 *               len  - is the size of reply message.
 * Returns     : -1 - Domain name lenght is too big 
 *                0 - Fail (Timout or parse error)
 *                1 - Success, 
int8_t parseDNSMSG(struct dhdr * pdhdr, uint8_t * pbuf, uint8_t * ip_from_dns)
	uint16_t tmp;
	uint16_t i;
	uint8_t * msg;
	uint8_t * cp;

	msg = pbuf;
	memset(pdhdr, 0, sizeof(pdhdr));

Should it be like this?

memset(pdhdr, 0, sizeof(dhdr));


the difference between “memset(pdhdr, 0, sizeof(dhdr));” and “memset(pdhdr, 0, sizeof(pdhdr));”, there is almost no effect on the system.

but, we will check that and modified.