W5500 and CC3200 SPI

It just the sequence of SPI commands necessary to reading and writing.
You can hardly find the source ready unless you do not find in this forum or in that of your MPU someone who has already developed (as SteveS here [url]WIZ550io SPI problems]) .
As I said in my previous post you must have knowledge of your library and use the SPI sequence that I have presented to perform the four basic operations :

  • Reading a register
  • Writing of a register
  • Reading RX buffer at Addr location
  • Writing TX buffer at Addr location

The examples that are on the site as explained here [url]W5500 and CC3200 SPI] contain all the features that you need and are well commented but they are not written for your IDE, you have to take note of the sequences but you can not throw them directly into your editor and compile.
These are the problems… uint8_t is a Byte , unint16_t is a Word ( or a UShort ) and are the types that must be converted to be recognized by your compiler, I understand it’s a big job and you must first read and understand them before translating but the thing is possible.
I converted these sources for the PIC18 (8 bit) and PIC24 (16 bit) and I know what we’re talking.