
What is sw0 for? If I push the sw0 button and reset my board, the two leds are blinking.


It is boot mode.

And checking the configure tool boot mode

If module erase internal firmware… update new firmware. check below URL

firmware download : github.com/Wiznet/WIZ550web

module information : wizwiki.net/wiki/doku.php?id=pro … 0web:start

What does boot mode mean? wiki does not explain.


refer to below URI

wizwiki.net/wiki/doku.php?id=pro … 50webds_en

It is just Switch for connecting the boot mode.

Thank you

Hi, snowflake.
The WIZ550web’s firmware is consist of two parts, application boot and application.
Setting the D8 pin (GPIO_Pin_12, GPIOC = SW0 on EVB) to High state and reboot the WIZ550web, the device go into Boot mode. This function for firmware update and firmware recovery when a problem occurred. (malfunction of the application firmware)

Please utilize the D8 pin as a boot mode switching pin only and the other input pin in the board applying to your applications.