
Hi! i wanted to ask about the configurations parameters of the Wiznet that we are working with: WIZ107sr

Our problematic is the next:

Data is sent from a microcontroller to the web server through wiznet but TCP connection does not close once the data is sent. Wait is indefinitely, which in the end causes message to be emitted with HTTP code 408 (35 seconds post message and at intervals of 25 seconds).

Is it possible to modify some configurations item to avoid this behavior, preventing the wiznet from holding server resources and close TCP communication after getting server’s response?

We remain attentive to any correction and / or suggestion

Best regards.

Hi Y_Murga,

You can use the following two methods for the operation of the WIZ107SR module you want.

  1. TCP client mode with inactivity timer and reconnection interval options.
  2. TCP server/client mixed mode with inactivity timer.

The inactivity timer is a function to terminate a TCP connection if data transfer does not occur within a specified time.

Below link will help you.
This link is the user’s guide for WIZ750SR module which is the hardware and software compatible with WIZ107SR product.

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It has helped us a lot! Thanks!

Best regards

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