Mac Filter doesn't appear to work in mac raw mode

Hello soreilly,

I tested the Macfilter function.
In addition, I tested the multicast and broadcast block functions as follows.
socket (sn, Sn_MR_MACRAW, 0, Sn_MR_MF | Sn_MR_BRDB | Sn_MR_MMB | Sn_MR_MMB6); is W6100, and is PC.
As shown in the picture, the Mac filter function worked well.
W6100 received ARP and UDP packets.

Perhaps I think it will send data from Web Server to LWIP’s macaddress. The mac address of the destination transmitted from the Web Server must match the macaddress of W6100. Please check it out.

Also, while testing this, I found a bug in io6Library.
It has been modified and uploaded to github, so please reflect it.