W7200 MCU is always down

Hello sir/madam,

I am now using W7200 MCU to develop a communication system with PC using an internal timer(TIM3). I found out that the system is always totally down, the LEDs were off and even no reponse when I pressed reset button. The only thing I can do is plug out the power supply and connect it again. In my code, I use PA2, PA3, PA8, PA11, PA12, PB2, PB5, PB6, PB7, PB10, PB11 and PB12 as the output pins, and use PA13, PA14, PA15, PB13, PB14, PB15, PC14 and PC15 as the inputs. Would you please give me some suggestion about where the problem should be?



I wonder what is your problem? Do You hope led-toggle by using the internal timer TIM3 ? Am I right?

If W7200 be always down, your source code have a some problem.
Check the warning message in complier & analyze the log to be printed out on running code.

In my experience, It maybe halted in un-registered(default) ISR routine as Hardfalut ISR.

Thank you.

What is un-registered ISR and Hardfault ISR?



I wonder what is your problem? Do You hope led-toggle by using the internal timer TIM3 ? Am I right?

If W7200 be always down, your source code have a some problem.
Check the warning message in complier & analyze the log to be printed out on running code.

In my experience, It maybe halted in un-registered(default) ISR routine as Hardfalut ISR.

Thank you.[/quote]

The unregister(default) ISR means the default mapped ISR without your implement & mapping.

In your project files, you can find the interrup vector files as assemble & c code.
ex) startup.s, startup.c

Notice that W7200 integrated TCP/IP engine with STM32F103CB.
So, You can ask to ST’s community.

Thank you.