[Introduce W7500x module] WIZ750SR Series (1-Port serial module)

The WIZ750SR series is a serial to Ethernet 1-port serial solution manufactured by Wiznet’s W7500x chip.
Each product can be selected according to the user’s intention, and its own configuration tool is provided so that only the settings of each product can be checked.

Each 1-Port serial module has 4 types and can be checked by the list below.
The firmware of the modules can be used in a single project and can be used only by changing the definition of board.h.
Link: https://github.com/Wiznet/WIZ750SR

  • W7500P

    1. WIZ750SR (TTL/RS-232/RS-422/485)
  • W7500

    1. WIZ750SR-100 (TTL)
    2. WIZ750SR-105 (TTL)
    3. WIZ750SR-110 (RS-232)
  • Description

    1. WIZ750SR is a serial-to-Ethernet module with Cortex-M0 based W7500P MCU. It is designed with pin header and RJ-45 connector for ease of use.
      Also designed to be compatible with the WIZ107 / 108SR family of hardware and control commands Provides a separate serial debug port and four users I / O pins that can be controlled and monitored according to the customer’s purpose. (Analog input / digital input / output)
      Link: https://wizwiki.net/wiki/doku.php?id=products:wiz750sr:start

    2. WIZ750SR-100 is a serial to Ethernet module with Cortex-M0 based W7500 MCU and external PHY IC.
      Also designed to be hardware compatible with the WIZ100SR family, with a separate serial debug port and four users I / O pins that can be controlled and monitored for your purpose. (Analog input / digital input / output)
      Link: https://wizwiki.net/wiki/doku.php?id=products:wiz750sr-100:start

    3. WIZ750SR-105 is a serial-to-Ethernet module product with Cortex-M0 based W7500 MCU and external PHY IC.
      Also designed to be compatible with WIZ105SR family and compatible with WIZ105SR-EVB Separate serial debug port and 4 users I / O pins that can be controlled and monitored according to customer’s purpose. (Analog input / digital input / output)

    4. WIZ750SR-110 is a serial to Ethernet module with Cortex-M0 based W7500 MCU and external PHY IC.
      Also designed to be hardware compatible with the WIZ110SR family, with a separate serial debug port and four user I / O pins for control and monitoring according to customer needs. (Analog input / digital input / output)

I’m looking for upgrading existing products equipped with MODBUS RTU over RS485 and I’m curious wether I can easily upgrade it to MODBUS TPC using WIZ750SR-485 module.
However it is mentioned that this module support Modbus I have read fast documentation available and can’t find detailed algorithm what to do or set up to get small with possibility to built into other device
module which provide me in first step MODBUS RTU to TCP conversion.