More tries to open a connection


I have again a problem with my W5100 on the arduino 328P board.
When I connect to my own TCP-Server written in C#, then the Webclient connects at the first try.
But when I want to connect to my webserver, my client connects only after several (5- 15) tries.
I don´t no what the problem is, can somebody help me?



Could you post packet capture file with like wireshark??

It could help analyze problem.

Best regards.


here is the file.
You have to filter by “ip.src== || ip.dst==”
I hope you can find the error.

Edit: Can it be that the problem is the wrong port? I use port 23456
Which port should i use instead?

greets (585 KB)


I think is server.

If, client send SYN packet but cannot receive response packet(SYN-ACK).
So, client send retransmission packet.

Please, check server program and then let me know why server doesn’t send response.

Best regards.


[quote]Edit: Can it be that the problem is the wrong port? I use port 23456
Which port should i use instead?[/quote]

When you do implement as client, you should be random port number as source port number.
When you fix the source number, Next connection can’t established.

Thank you.