Stuck on socket listen

Hello, i managed to create a TCP Server and to make it listen, the thing is that the socket is stuck in listen state and i can’t managed to make any client to connect to it, am i missing something here ?
I’m using a EVB Pico W5500 Board :

IP and Gateway are correctly wrote in my code.


  • Includes

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include “port_common.h”

#include “wizchip_conf.h”
#include “socket.h”
#include “w5x00_spi.h”

#include “timer.h”


  • Macros

Clock */
#define PLL_SYS_KHZ (133 * 1000)

/* Buffer */
#define ETHERNET_BUF_MAX_SIZE (1024 * 2)


  • Variables

Network */
static wiz_NetInfo g_net_info =
.mac = {0x00, 0x08, 0xDC, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56}, // MAC address
.ip = {192, 168, XX, XX}, // IP address
.sn = {255, 255, 255, 0}, // Subnet Mask
.gw = {192, 168, XX, X}, // Gateway
.dhcp = NETINFO_DHCP // DHCP enable/disable


  • Functions

Clock */
static void set_clock_khz(void)
// set a system clock frequency in khz
set_sys_clock_khz(PLL_SYS_KHZ, true);

// configure the specified clock
    0,                                                // No glitchless mux
    PLL_SYS_KHZ * 1000,                               // Input frequency
    PLL_SYS_KHZ * 1000                                // Output (must be same as no divider)



  • Functions

Clock */
static void set_clock_khz(void);

void handleEstablishedStage(uint8_t sn) {
// Your code to handle the ESTABLISHED stage goes here
printf(“Socket %d is in ESTABLISHED stage\n”, sn);


  • Main

int main()
Initialize */
const int *list = NULL;
uint16_t len = 0;
uint32_t retval = 0;
uint32_t start_ms = 0;





/* SPI read */

/* Get network information */

uint8_t tcp_data_buf[1024];

uint16_t sn = 0; // using only the socket 0
int32_t ret; 

// init socket
uint8_t tcp_socket = socket(sn, Sn_MR_TCP, 50000, 0x00);
while (getSn_SR(sn) != SOCK_INIT);

uint8_t listen_status = listen(sn);
while (getSn_SR(sn) != SOCK_LISTEN);
uint8_t socket_status = getSn_SR(sn);
uint8_t socket_interrupt = getSn_IR(sn);
uint32_t tcp_data = recv(sn,tcp_data_buf,1024);

while(socket_interrupt == 0){


 printf("%d\n", tcp_socket);
 printf("%d\n", listen_status);
 printf("%x\n", socket_status);
 printf("%x\n", socket_interrupt);
 // Check if the interrupt flag is set for the specified socket
    if (getSn_IR(sn) & Sn_IR_CON) {
        // Clear the interrupt flag by writing '1' to the corresponding bit
        setSn_IR(sn, Sn_IR_CON);

        // Execute the code for ESTABLISHED stage



while(socket_interrupt == 1){
printf(“Established\n” );
printf(“%x\n”, socket_status);


There’re more bits in Sn_IR which may be set during socket lifetime. If you are not using interrupts you may consider polling the Sn_SR register instead. Please refer to W5100 datasheet chapter 5.

I’m using the W5500, while reading the datasheet, i don’t see other Sn_IR, i check every second the Sn SR register, and it gives 0x14, its the listening state. But when i try to connect, it’s expressly refused by the W5500’s server socket.

I refresh every second the socket status = Sn_SR, it give 0 and the listen status is 1.

The connection from a client is still refused.

Check the Sn_SR states, 0 means socket got closed. And of course, when socket is closed, all connections go nowhere. So your goal to identify what happens first time and where socket transitions from 0x14 and to where it transitions, and ensure you reopen socket into listening after it got closed.

Thank you for your time Eugeny, i made it work with the no delayed ack while creating the socket, and then i had my connection established.

If anyone else has this issue, here the socket definition :slight_smile:

uint8_t tcp_socket = socket(sn, 0x01, 50000, SF_TCP_NODELAY);