WIZwiki-W7500P ISP Header?


Is there a ISP header on WIZwiki-W7500P?
Looking on the wizwiki.net/wiki/doku.php?id=pro … 500p:start I couldn`t find the ISP header.
We are redesigning the board and removing the CMSIS-DAP.

Best regards,


There is not ISP header to WIZwiki-W7500P.

If you want to ISP to not CMSIS-DAP,

You consist to jumper cable to PC_10(U_TXD2), PC_11(U_RXD2) pins of WIZwiki-W7500 board.

Thank you

Hi Edward,

I didn’t understand very well. You suggest to jumper a cable from WIZwiki-W7500 to WIZwiki-W7500P?
The pins PC_10(U_TXD2) and PC_11(U_RXD2) on WIZwiki-W7500P are open. Should I soldering the wire on these pins?



You Should soldering the wire on these pins.

WIZwiki-W7500P ISP is unconditionally using UART2.

Thank you