W5500 No PHY Link

Same issue here.
PCB designed according to ref. schematics, produced in factory
Plug in w5500 to Cisco switch, link does not come up
But when I disable Auto-negotiation on Cisco switch, port is UP. This is on 100Mbit port, and on 1Gbit port, I need to disable Auto-negotiation and manually set port speed to 100Mbit.
This is happening on different Cisco switches, 2960 series and SF-300 series

Thing is that I cannot un-solder resistor to disable auto-negotiation on pcb since it is resistor array
Can I disable auto negotiation in code, regardless of resistors connected?

I have red that PHYCFGR should be changed but I am not sure where
This is section from w5500.h:
__GP_REGISTER8 (PHYCFGR, 0x002E); // PHY Configuration register, default value: 0b 1011 1xxx

w5500 datasheet on page 43 states:
PHYCFGR (W5500 PHY Configuration Register) [R/W] [0x002E] [0b10111XXX]

But I am stuck here…

Any assistance is appreciated
Thanks in advance