WizFi360 TCP message delay & SoftAP+STA


Unfortunately yes, they keep ignoring my messages.
I tried to conduct tests for your case with their official SDK provided on their website.
However, I could observe similar message delays. I truly believe that this situation is caused by chip manufacturer library. I will continue trying to get in touch with them and will let you know results.

Sorry for late reply.


Thank you for the update. I really hope they will answer and this problem will be solved in time. I will continue to wait for updates on this matter. Thank you, again for your help.


Is there any updates? Was contacting the manufacturer lead to somewhere yet?


Unfortunately no updates yet. I will keep you updated.


Is there any news?


I presume they still haven’t contacted you guys back?


Yes. I am sending them remind emails periodically. But seems that either i was added to spam or they are just ignoring me

Have you tried disabling keep alive routine that you mentioned before?


Like I already said, I tried it without the keep alive routing and it happened even then, even without an MCU inbetween.

Have you got any news?

Hi Viktor,
My name is Zoltan, colleague of user KVLM.
I would like to ask about possible process we facing. What happens when/if they agree the problem is caused by their library? Is it possible we have to replace our module for a new one? Or Winnermicro make some kind of firmware update, Wiznet also releases one and this could solve our problem. (any other options? ) What is the possible lead time for this?
This would be a minimum 600-700 units/ year project with our German automotive partner, so the solution is really important for us.
Thank you!


I believe that this issue is caused by vendor library, but I couldn’t get any response from them. Unfortunately, this library is not open-source code, so we at WIZnet cannot fix it. It is also hard to estimate lead time as it doesn’t depend on us.

Thank you!
If your vendor solves this problem what could it mean for us? Hardware modification(new W600 chip in Wiznet modules) or just a new firmware?


I believe that this could be solved by upgrading software
but not sure. Have to wait till vendor replies.


We are still waiting on updates.
Thank you.

Has the vendor replied yet? Is there any update?

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