RP2040-HAT-FREERTOS-C Fail when building examples


I’m trying to build the RP2040-HAT-FREERTOS-C examples with Visual Studio Code and GCC 12.2.1 arm-none-eabi compiler. I have environment configured as in RPI Pico Getting Started, chapter “9.2 Building on MS Windows”, and I’m able to build blink_led and other basic examples of pico_sdk.

I have cloned the github repository as “git clone --recurse-submodules GitHub - Wiznet/RP2040-HAT-FREERTOS-C: FreeRTOS Example for RP2040

I have configured the CMakeLists.txt with W5100S.

I get the next errors during building process (around 80% of process completed):

  • mbedtls library: ssl_tls.c → void ssl_calc_verify_tls_sha256 is expecting unsigned char * and is found unsigned char hash[32]
  • tcp_client_over_ssl example: w5x00_tcp_client_over_ssl.c → unknown type name ‘time_t’

Any idea of what I am missing?

Kind Regards

Also trying to build the RP2040-HAT-C is failing on:
w5x00_mqtt_publish.c:235:8: error: unknown type name ‘time_t’

Hello @ibercomp

If you have configured your development environment correctly, you should be able to see the RP2040-HAT-FREERTOS-C build without any issues.

This seems to be the problem with your development environment, Could you check your development environment again?

I have checked the environment and it’s ok, just as in the PI Pico guide. In order to build successfully I had to modify some include files in the examples .c files.