W7500P ADC functionality

Trying to get the W7500P ADC working.
Can verify that the ADC clk is being generated by looking at Clk Monitor pin.
Can set & read back ADC registers, but a conversion never starts or completes. I did program it out of power down mode.

Data sheet V1.0.9 has a note that says all references to ADC are removed. Does that mean that the ADC hardware fuctionality has been disabled, including alternate pad function ( to be able to select analog ins )?

Is there any way to activate the ADC? For my application not too worried about some crosstalkl. Would like to evaluate just how significant it is. Using ADC as an input voltage monitor detect.

I have looked through the application code libs and my code is similar in structure.

Hello, Selectech
Before discussing this, there is one situation to review. How many Channels does the ADC use?

1 channel for sure, maybe a 2nd.
For my application, really only need 1 channel.

Oh, I’m sorry for the late response.
The problem with the ADC on the W7500 is that if you use more than two channels, going above a certain speed will affect other channels. There are no other problems.
There’s nothing wrong with one channel.