[From QnA] WIZ140SR

Good day!
1 We apply you WIZ140SR modules (firmware v 1.0) with follow configuration
all 4 channels at 115200 baud 8 bit no parity
Local IP Mask GW
Operation mode- Server
Remote IP
Channel 1 Local Port= 5001 Remote Port =5005
Channel 2 Local Port= 5002 Remote Port =5006
Channel 3 Local Port= 5003 Remote Port =5007
Channel 4 Local Port= 5004 Remote Port =5008
Our device send TCP (or UDP) packets - to all 4 channels one after another in free sequence and sometimes we see, that packets pass to wrong channel (for example, packet, sended to port 5001 issued from channel 3 or other). If we work only with one port - it works well.
We separate experience with TCP or UDP packets - result was same. May you help with this problem?

2 I see new firmware rom0403_WIZ1x0SR.bin in you site, but in comment for it WIZ140SR not named. Is it aimed for WIZ140SR module or not?

Dear customer,

the test results, So far it’s been no problem.
You had better ask a RMA service.

I haven’t had a chance to get to it.
I also hope to give a positive answer as soon as possible.
