[From QnA]Unable to connect to my wiz811MJ module

I have bought Wiz811MJ module from tinyclr.com to integrate with their FEZ Rhino board. They have given provision for it. I have soldered the device with card. I have implemented a webserver given in their sample code. my calls uisng intenet explorer is not reaching the board as my code is not getting called.

Also I am not able to ping the board. I am connected to board using LAN port of my wireless router from D-Link.

How do I know what is wrong?



Thanks for being interested in our WIZ811MJ.

Please follow the below suggestion to solve your problems.

  1. Please check whether the MAGJACK LinkLED (Green) and ActLED (Yellow) is ON or not.

  2. If you are doing test with LAN, please check whether your network parameter is correct or not.

    For example the IP, GW,SUBNET MASK. Are your PC and WIZ device in the same subnet?


Best Regards.