WIZFI310 / Multiple connection feature

Dear team,

please can you let me if multiple connection feature is available with the 310 module ?
i mean REALY and OFFICIALY available/working, not as with the WIZFI250 !

W310 as TCP server (web server)
==> multiple clients to the same module, on same TCP port !

is there any document which describe all differences between the 250 and 310 AT commands ?

thanks, regards

Hi, phil31

I am aplogize for late.

→ WizFi310(as TCP server) supports multi-connection .

→ There is no document that explains differences between the 250 and 310 AT commands.
We just provide each of documents.


you claim that the W310 is firmware compatible with the W250.
so if i plug a 310 in our actual W250 board, all need to work exactly same ?

about multiple connection, where it is explain in the “commands list” ???


so Tom … any updated document which explain the multi-connection feature please ?

Hi, phil31 ! :slight_smile:

I tested multi-connection with a WizFi310.

I operate a WizFi310 as a TCP server and my PC connects to WizFi310 as a TCP client.

I attached a capture below.

This is WizFi310 Serial Capture.
As you can see, WizFi310 receive a message from 4 TCP client.

And this is PC( 4 TCP client) capture.

I hope it will be helpful.
