W5500 ping not working

Hello, I am new to the wiznet w5500.
I interfac it with stm32, I am able to perform basic read, write operations on wiznet.
I set mode register 0x00
Gateway :
Subnet :
I also set MAC properly…
I have confirmed all set parameters by reading them back.
When I connect wiznet module to dlink router, link led and act led blink continuously with a period of 1sec and when I connect module to my pc, both led ON continuously… Act led on Pc side blinks very fast.
I am not able to ping module in both the cases…
Please suggest solutions / suggestions if I am doing something wrong

Hello, piyushghatole
There is not enough information.
Please give me more data.

  1. Check your pc network infomation.

  2. What example were you using? please, show me your code.


Hi~ piyushghatole

For part of the answer, you have to confirm the PC IP address area is 192.168.0.xxx whether or not.
Also, if you use the DHCP from router, W5500 must be assigned an IP address by DHCP.
First, I think you connect PC and W5500 module via Lan.
You should communicate the ping test after PC IP address set and W5500 IP address set


Thank you for the reply…

Network information

I have connected the Module directly to my computer…
IP address of MY PC is
Module IP
But, not able to PING

Hi~ piyushghatole

First, I think you should check the read/write operation.
If you read the Version Register(0x39), you can confirm the 0x04 at return value.

Second, I recommend you wish the reference project.


HI piyushghatole
I’m new to wizet too and i got a problem to interface this module with stm32 and i need to perfom a basic read and write operations just for test
can u send me your source code please ? really i need help


yes engeny

Hello FAWEZ,
Are you still looking for the solution?

Piyush Ghatole

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Hello piyushghatole,
Yess i still looking for the solution
do you have a solution please?

Hello FAWEZ,

Please find the attached file.

also note, i have used STM32 controller as a host controller and get in interface with the W5500 module,

i have developed DHCP,DNS,NTP,TCP socket etc succesfully using same attached source, hope it will help you also.


Piyush Ghatole

STM32_W5500.zip (6.69 KB)

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Hello piyushghatole
thank you very much my friend <3
I’ll try it and text you back

just another question please
did you work the project on stm32cubeIDE?

Yes, I have worked on STM32Cube IDE.

Piyush Ghatole

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thanks a lot
can you send me the full project ? i’m a beginner and i need to know how it works