What is the MAC (SHAR) address of the w6100?

From the initialisation in io6Library, I see that user set SHAR of the wiznet chip. But does the Ethernet chip have a uniquely identifiable MAC Addr ? if yes, how can I read it?

SHAR address is for Mac address.
If you use the io6Library, you just read the register using getSHAR(mac) function.
The first thing you need to know is that default Mac value is all “0x00”.
Because If you only bought chip, we not provide the MAC address.

Thank you for the quick response.
Oh, so user has to generate their own unique MAC?
Also, in which case does Wiznet also provide MAC address?

If you buy the S2E module, we will provide with module and MAC address.
But if you want to use the unique MAC address, you’d better ask it to IEEE.
Refer to IEEE SA - IEEE Registration Authority

Okay, correct me if I am wrong but, there is no unique SHAR provided by WizNet for W6100 Chip?

yes, you’re right.

Thank you!