Problems with Wiz550io and PIC24 MCU

Hi there,

For a project I try to connect a PIC24FJ256GA704 MCU via SPI1 with the w550io module.
I want the module to be setup as a TCP server. The module can be pinged but not connected via the AX1 loopback test program or similar.
I am using the wizIO library and SPI1 is setup with, Communication width 8Bit, Clock Polarity = Idle:Low, Active:High & Clock Edge: Active to Idle → SPI Mode 0. Input Data is sampled at the Middle.

Can you please check if there is any problem with my code below ?

#include "w5500/w5500_spi.h"
#include "w5500/wizchip_conf.h"
#include "w5500/socket.h"

// Socket & Port number definition
#define SOCK_ID_TCP       0
#define SOCK_ID_UDP       1
#define PORT_TCP          5000
#define PORT_UDP          10001

#define DATA_BUF_SIZE     1024

volatile wiz_NetInfo gWIZNETINFO =
  .mac  = {0x00, 0x14, 0xA3, 0x72, 0x17, 0x3f},    // Source Mac Address
  .ip   = {192, 168,  1, 107},                      // Source IP Address
  .sn   = {255, 255, 255, 0},                      // Subnet Mask
  .gw   = {192, 168,  1, 1},                       // Gateway IP Address
  .dns  = {8, 8,  8, 8},                      // DNS server IP Address

volatile wiz_PhyConf phyConf =
  PHY_SPEED_10,        // PHY_SPEED_100

volatile wiz_NetInfo pnetinfo;

// brief Call back function for WIZCHIP select.
void CB_ChipSelect(void)
    SS1OUT_SetLow();// = 0;

// brief Call back function for WIZCHIP deselect.
void CB_ChipDeselect(void)
    SS1OUT_SetHigh();// = 1;

// brief Callback function to read byte usig SPI.
uint8_t CB_SpiRead(void)
    return SPI1_Exchange(0xAA);

// brief Callback function to write byte usig SPI.
void CB_SpiWrite(uint8_t wb)

// brief Handle TCP socket state.
void TCP_Server(void)

    int32_t ret;
    uint16_t size = 0, sentsize = 0;
    // Get status of socket

        // Connection established
        case SOCK_ESTABLISHED :
            // Check interrupt: connection with peer is successful
            if(getSn_IR(SOCK_ID_TCP) & Sn_IR_CON)
                // Clear corresponding bit

            // Get received data size
            if((size = getSn_RX_RSR(SOCK_ID_TCP)) > 0)
                // Cut data to size of data buffer
                if(size > DATA_BUF_SIZE)
                    size = DATA_BUF_SIZE;

                // Get received data
                ret = recv(SOCK_ID_TCP, gDATABUF, size);

                // Check for error
                if(ret <= 0)

                // Send echo to remote
                sentsize = 0;
                while(size != sentsize)
                    ret = send(SOCK_ID_TCP, gDATABUF + sentsize, size - sentsize);
                    // Check if remote close socket
                    if(ret < 0)

                    // Update number of sent bytes
                    sentsize += ret;
static void W5500_Init(void)
    // Set Tx and Rx buffer size to 2KB
    uint8_t buffsize[8] = { 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2 };
    CB_ChipDeselect();                                // Deselect module

    // Reset module
    WIZRESET_SetLow(); // = 0;
    WIZRESET_SetHigh(); // = 1;


    // Wizchip initialize
    wizchip_init(buffsize, buffsize);//, 0, 0, CB_ChipSelect, CB_ChipDeselect, 0, 0, CB_SpiRead, CB_SpiWrite);
    reg_wizchip_cs_cbfunc(CB_ChipSelect, CB_ChipDeselect);
    reg_wizchip_spi_cbfunc(CB_SpiRead, CB_SpiWrite);
    // Wizchip netconf
    ctlnetwork(CN_SET_NETINFO, (void*) &gWIZNETINFO);
    ctlwizchip(CW_SET_PHYCONF, (void*) &phyConf);

int main(void)
while (1)
        // TCP Server

1.)Serial print via UART
printf(getSn_SR(SOCK_ID_UDP)) returns 3, i can’t find what it means ?

2.) Logic Analyser:

I get signals on MOSI and MISO constantly. There seem to be no errors but i can’t tell if it is working properly. Any advice how I could check from the SPI Signals ?

Do the SPI signals look correct ?

I can ping the module on IP, but shouldn’t I be able to ping it on the source IP set in volatile wiz_NetInfo gWIZNETINFO ??
Because I get no ping on I can’t connect on both addresses via the AX1 testing program on PORT 5000.

Am I missing something ?

Any help would be much appreciated!

Best regards