WIZnet-S2E-Tool-GUI 1.5.2 COMPILE in win10.

What would be the correct and updated versions to be able to work with WIZnet-S2E-Tool-GUI 1.5.2 ?

PyQt5 which version?
for python 3.11.4 (according to the python page replaces ver. 3.8.1).

wizconfig-1.5.2 uses pyqt5 5.15.x (latest version).
I removed the version that was specified in the requirements.txt file.
If you’re using python 3.11.4, you’ll need to use the latest version of pyqt5 as well.
Is there any problem?

I sent steps carried out and a brief description of the error
it can not be executed

any problem with any version?

Thank you

1: C:\Programas\PyQ5xx\PyQt5-5.15.2 (julio2023)\PyQt5-5.15.9\PyQt5-5.15.9>pip install pyqt5

2: C:\Programas\PyQ5xx\PyQt5-5.15.2 (julio2023)\PyQt5-5.15.9\PyQt5-5.15.9>pip install ifaddr

3: C:\Programas\PyQ5xx\PyQt5-5.15.2 (julio2023)\PyQt5-5.15.9\PyQt5-5.15.9>python freeze




when executing (.exe) it gives this error

The cause of the problem was the missing requests package, which I put in because it was needed for a feature I was going to add later.
I only updated this in the develop branch.
I’ve merged it into the master branch now, please download it again and test it.

May I ask why you are building it yourself? Are you using a different environment?

Como siempre “muchas gracias por sus respuestas”
As always “thank you very much for your answers”

As they use it in different places, it often happens that they configure some things wrong. By changing options (modifying the program menu) and adding extra texts in S2E Tool GUI, many failures due to configuration errors are avoided. This is why the program is touched.

What would be the update I need to download to try again (link?)

Okay, thanks for the clarification.
If there are any features you’d like to see added to the official release, please feel free to let us know.
You can use the forums, or leave it in an Issue or Discussion page in the Github repository.

As always, thank you for your interest.

You can download it from the Github master branch.

You can use the git clone https://github.com/Wiznet/WIZnet-S2E-Tool-GUI command, or download the ZIP.

When installing the package, recommend using the following command.

pip install -r requirements.txt

resultados de la prueba

Trials with successful results.


Muchas Gracias

Now functional tests:
-read the module without changing any parameters
-I tell him to save
-start typing all these errors and more
-you have to close the whole program


to verify I went to the repository page

and the version that this does the same

Someone is using version 1.5.2 in WIN 10 and it works fine?

thank you

This is a parameter validation check
I tested it with 1 port device, and it seems to be malfunctioning for 2 port devices. (about Channel 2 commands)

I will deploy the fixed version quickly. Thank you for the report.

Thanks to you.
I’ll try the 1-port version tomorrow and I’ll tell you

I updated the Github repository. (exe file in Release will upload soon)
Please test with the updated code.

Stay exactly the same. Has the same errors

Oh, I updated on the other branch, sorry for the confusion.
I’ve checked the update on the master branch now.

Version 1.5.3 funciona ! OK