How to change the GPIO of the UART used by Wizfi360 under the Arduino platform?

On the arduino platform, if you are not using the default GPIO of UART used by the Wizfi360 library, you need to change the definition of GPIO. There are two methods:
Method 1: Change the IO definition of the board. Taking wizfi360_evb_pico as an example, its IO configuration file is located at:
You can change the GPIO definition of UART by changing the definition:

// #define PIN_SERIAL1_TX (0u)
// #define PIN_SERIAL1_RX (1u)

#define PIN_SERIAL1_TX (4u)
#define PIN_SERIAL1_RX (5u)

This method is also suitable for W5100S_EVB_PICO. The changed file path is:

Method 2: Use the software serial port. If the IO used is not the GPIO of the hardware UART, you can only use the software serial port. You need to add the <SoftwareSerial.h> library.
And define GPIO through the following method,

   SoftwareSerial SerialUart(3, 2); // IO3 for RX & IO2 for RX