W7500S2E-R1 Settings Scrambled After Reset

We recently experienced an issue when configuring a W7500S2E-R1 Wiznet module (Firmware Version: 2.9) via its web interface. The innactivity time was set to 30000 ms, the setting was saved and the device was reset. After the module was reset, the device was unreachable on its original IP address (both via the Web UI and ping). The Wiznet config tool (WIZS2E ConfigTool V1.0.1.4.exe) was used to try to contact the module. The Wiznet module was able to be found, but the IP and other settings had been scrambled during the reset. A screenshot of the scrambled settings is attached.

Via the config tool, we were able to do a factory reset of the module and proceeded to use the web interface on the default IP address to change the desired IP settings. After a second reset, the correct IP settings were applied.

This is the second time we have seen this problem with different Wiznet modules. Is it a known bug in the W7500S2E-R1 and is there anything we can do to avoid it happening again?