Seeedstudio board

Hi all, I purchased a seeedstudio Arduino shield with wizfi250 chip onboard.
Despite there’s a guide on the website for upgrading the firmware the chip doesn’t seem to enter into program mode by shorting the boot mode jumper.
Neither I made it by sending the at+fota command thru serial (the network didn’t show up).

Do you have any advises or suggestions, please?

Hello elettrozero

  1. Connect WizFi250 to PC via USB-cable.
  2. Short the boot-mode-jumper.
  3. Launch the serial-terminal program.
  4. Reset the WizFi250-EVB using reset button(or SW1 button).
  5. Now, you can see the bootloader menu as below.

WizFi Bootloader

  1. Upload APP by USART
  2. Upload DCT by USART
  3. Factory Recover
    *) Exit