WIZ550io INT and RDY pins


I’m trying to use WIZ550io with mbed (developer.mbed.org/components/WIZ550io/) and it seems that I have purchased the board version 1.0 and not 1.1.
Is there a pinout difference between the two versions?

Also, I was able to match the pins, according to this page (wizwiki.net/wiki/doku.php?id=pro … o:allpages) but I couldn’t figure out where to connect WIZ550io’s pins RDY (2) and INTn (5).
To what type of pins should I connect them? Digital/Analog in?


I posted [url]WIZ550io with mbed - #4 by bdaniel7] originally but I didn’t get any answer.

Hi Daniel,

Q1. Is there a pinout difference between the two versions?
There is no pinout difference between the two version.
There are difference of internal transformer, board size and pin pitch.

Q2. To what type of pins should I connect them? Digital/Analog in?
RDY and INTn of WIZ550io are digtal output.
So, you cound be configure these pin as digtal input for you platform.
