Turn On / Off Radio


I have been given two serial commands in order to control the radio on/off state of the module as follows:

for radio off

for radio on

Both commands are being quit via by the module, but the Web-Page doesn`t show any change in state.

Is the status changed and the update of the webpage missing or do I have to apply any other command in advance ?

Hello nils333

Please refer to the below.
After the below commands, you can see the applied new setting in web page.

  • WiFi Off
    <OR iwpriv ra0 set RadioOn=0 && iwpriv ra0 set WlanLed=0>
    <ORnvram_set RadioOff 1>

  • WiFI On
    <OR iwpriv ra0 set RadioOn=1 && iwpriv ra0 set WlanLed=1>
    <ORnvram_set RadioOff 0>


yes thank you, that helped a lot.
Now it works

Best regards