WizFi360 Captive Portal

I am trying to implement Captive Portal with WizFi360 and finally I have found one blocking point. It is not possible to listen to UDP port 53 to run my own DNS Server to redirect all HTTP request to my AP so I can reply with HTTP 302.

Is it possible to stop the DNS service running in the module and have direct access to the DNS port, please?

Or do you have any other idea how to implement the Captive Portal with the WizFi360?

Solution with ESP8266 is here.


Hello lukas,

First of all, thank you for using our product.
Unfortunately, WizFi360 doesn’t support the Captive Portal, so please understand that we can’t respond to information related to the Captive Portal.

Best regards.

Hello David,

thank you for your fast reply. I am not asking you to support the Captive Portal, but just allow me (and other potential customers) to implement my own DNS Server. Then I am able to implement the Captive Portal by my own. Would it be possible to (e.g. by command AT+CIPDNS_CUR) shutdown your DNS Server and free port 53 for the user, please?

From my point of view the Captive Portal possibility is important and may be a showstopper for many potential applications of the WizFi360.

Best regards,

Hello Lukas,

Unfortunately, we don’t have a DNS off function.
If we develop that function, we will let you know as soon as possible. sorry

Best regards,

Hello David,

thanks a lot! I am looking forward to the new firmware.

Best regards,