WizFi360 Connectivity problem with Cisco Wireless AP

Hello everyone,

I am running on an issue with my current wireless network.
I am able to get this error out of my router:

auth_mode=‘wpa2-psk’ vlan_id=‘140’ reason=‘eapol_timeout’ radio=‘0’ vap=‘0’ channel=‘6’ rssi=‘24’

client 00:08:dc:6a:a3:9f had a failed connection to SSID Promistel during authentication because the client did not provide credentials.

I have successfully connected with a Wizfi310 module.

I am currently running firmware 1.1.2.

My WizFi360 connect without issues to my iPhone hotspot.

What is the recommended way to proceed in identifying the issue?

Best regards,

Hello, I’m having same problem. Did you find any solution for this?