WIZ220 lost configuration even after reset

I have 3 Modules WIZ220IO how have lost they configuration (after off/on) and not refind it even with Reset…
Interrogated with broadcast UDP “WIZ200FIND”… they show eratical data in config
As i have read on your forum, that it is certainely the flash memory who has crash after excessed R/W.
I woud trie to replace it ! but whose CMS ship is it ? U2 ou U3 an with whose ship reference can we replace it ?

Hi Gilles.
If possible, please explain more of the situation you are facing.

Are you using an older version of the firmware 1.3?
The WIZ220io firmware version 1.3 is update for flash memory problem.
Please try to update and test.

Hi, thanks for anwer
My probleme is that after 3 or 4 month running on regulation Modules stop to respond (often after power on/off)
with the config tools I have a message “Ivalid paramer’s value” then I click on is MAC
I Have already 4 modules Wiz220 in this case… the last was put with 1.3 firmware 2 month ago…
I change with a new directly with v1.3 .I hope he was stronger !

BUT for the modules how don’t respond with config Tool (and do not answer any more for update firmware)
is there a solution (even resolder CI) to put it back alive ?