WIZ107sr firmware download problem

Dear Sr.
I need help in order to solve this problem
I bought 2 modules WIZ107SR, in order to evaluate the incorporation of the MCU W7100A, in modules of our manufacture.
I bought it in Sept 2015. Is WIZ107SR R1.4 013-11-11
I connected it initially to the network, and ConfigTool UDP search, and showed the configuration parameters.
Soon with WIZ_ISP, I loaded the firmware version WIZ107SRv4_05.bin
After this, the module stopped connecting with ConfigTool.
With WIZ_ISP, it is possible to be connected, and verified that the memories of code and data, are correctly recorded, and leds yellow and green, have correct activity, but the module is not connected.
In user manual says that if in case that upload incorrect firmware versión, erase code and data flash, and reload the correct.using WIS_ISP. I did it and the problem was not solved.

As I can solve this?


It problem is don’t writing MAC address.

WIZ_ISP firmware update is factory reset.

So, MAC writing using serial(UART) message.

You connect seirial.

And you insert input mac address.

Writing MC00:08:DC:XX:XX:XX$0d$0a message.

then module is initial mode.


You next time firmware update is inside Config tool “Upload” tap.

thank you

You used ISP binary file is boot + app version ??

If Just app binary, It is need to RMA.

Thank you