Wiz750SR-TTL for transparent mode communication

Just saw your product on the digikey site. I would like to confirm if it will meet our needs.

Currently we use a PC/linux base TCP client program to communicate (send/receive data) with a UART to ethernet module (the lantronix xport xp100100G-05R) . The module is connected to one of the 3.3V processor UART ports and acts like a serial to ethernet link.
The communication does not use any ‘AT’ commands, just sending/receiving hex bytes.
Can i use the wiz750sr similarly, and do you have examples of how to set up the module.

Wiz750SR supports to transparent mode communication.
Wiz750SR has to configured with Configuration Tools before transparenet mode.

For more detail, You can refer to here.

Thank you.

Thanks, will order one for evaluation.

How so i get into transparent mode? Link is dead