WIZ220IO MAC Address Changed

Hi guys :smiley:

Why my module’s MAC Address changed?
It was 00:08:DC:17:CE:B0, and now suddenly change to 00:08:DC:00:00:00
Why did this happen? Is my module broken?? :confused:

Help me please :frowning:

Hi, amar.

It looks like flash memory broken, I guess.

If you have EVB, possible to re-write MAC Address using ‘MACTool for WIZ220IO’ program.
If not, please RMA request to distributor.

I’ve attached MACTool program in this post.
MACtool_v1.0_WIZ220IO.zip (16.1 KB)
Please try re-write MAC Address to WIZ220IO module.


Thanks Eric :smiley:

It has to use EVB to re-write MAC Address?
Is it possible to just connect Module to PC in the same network and re-write it?

As you can see after program running, the MACTool program needs serial port connection.
So, you should connect the module to PC using EVB - serial port for re-write the MAC address. :wink:


When I opened the software, I got this error and it can’t detect my module.

What should I do?

Please google it - ‘How to fix Runtime error 53’
‘Runtime error 53’ caused by some DLL files missing or damaged registry values and Etc, I guess.

For working MAC TOOL need :

  • WIZ220IO-EVB with Ethernet and RS232 connected to PC
  • “progress.avi” in the same directory as “WIZ220IO_MacTool.exe” to prevent error message “file not found”

“progress.avi” is in WIZ200WEB MAC TOOL zip
wiznet.co.kr/sub_modules/kr/ … 57&cType=2

for “progress.avi” change the file name “_avi.txt” to".avi"progress_avi.txt (135 KB)